

发布时间:2022-07-14 18:50:29

How much is the price of ALC wall panels? What materials are ALC wall panels made of?

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  • 发布时间:2022-07-18 13:27
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【概要描述】ALC wall panel is also called ALC wall panel. Lightweight autoclaved sand aerated concrete board can be directly applied to the exterior walls of various building structures. Due to its excellent thermal insulation performance, when used on exterior walls, light autoclaved sand aerated concrete board is better than general aerated concrete. The board is much thinner to meet the national requirements.

How much is the price of ALC wall panels? What materials are ALC wall panels made of?

【概要描述】ALC wall panel is also called ALC wall panel. Lightweight autoclaved sand aerated concrete board can be directly applied to the exterior walls of various building structures. Due to its excellent thermal insulation performance, when used on exterior walls, light autoclaved sand aerated concrete board is better than general aerated concrete. The board is much thinner to meet the national requirements.

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  • 发布时间:2022-07-18 13:27
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How much is the price of ALC wallboard? What materials are ALC wallboard made of?

ALC wall panel is also called ALC wall panel. Lightweight autoclaved sand aerated concrete board can be directly applied to the exterior walls of various building structures. Due to its excellent thermal insulation performance, when used on exterior walls, light autoclaved sand aerated concrete board is better than general aerated concrete. The board is much thinner to meet the national requirements.

ALC wall panels can be used as exterior walls, interior walls, roofs, floors, insulation, decoration, fences, frames, line corners, etc. The bulk density is small, about 500Kg/m3. High strength, compressive strength is 4Mpa. Good thermal insulation, thermal conductivity λ=0.13W/(m?k). Good fire resistance: 100mm thick for 3.23 hours, 150mm thick for more than 4 hours, 50mm thick to protect steel beams for more than 3 hours, 50mm thick to protect steel columns for more than 4 hours. Good sound insulation, 100mm thick is 40.8dB. 150mm thick is 45.6dB.

The construction of ALC wall panels is quick and easy, and the construction period is greatly shortened in terms of construction progress. From the perspective of safety, there is no need for construction personnel to work on the edge of the floor for a long time, which greatly reduces the probability of accidents. ALC wall panel is a whole, with stronger overall stability and better sealing. In terms of cost, labor costs and material costs are reduced, creating better benefits for the project. How much is the price of ALC wall panel? ALC may cost more than 1,000 if you go to the physical store, and more than 700 if you buy it online.

What material components are the ALC wall panels made of?

A standard concrete mix consists of four elements: Portland cement, sand, gravel aggregate and water. In many cases, ALC wall panels are used to achieve a specific weight per square. ALC siding is a lighter material that usually replaces heavier crushed stone aggregates.

1. Measure the quality of the concrete rather than the quantity. An easy way is to create different aggregates for different concrete mixes. Pour the mixture in the same container and measure the wet and dry weight of the mixture. Use containers of the same size. 1-pound or 5-pound coffee cans are more viable containers.

2. Create a standard concrete base comparison consisting of a 1-part Portland cement mix, and two-part coarse sand crushed stone aggregate, 1/2-inch or 3/4-inch size. Normal density concrete will weigh about 145 lb/ft when dry. Add a little water. Too much water will create a weak mix that is prone to cracking.

3. Follow the standard concrete mix proportions 1 part silicate, 2 part cement perlite and 3 parts grit. Add enough water to create a smooth mixture. Pour the mixture into the container of choice. The mixture is tamped by the container that jumps on the firm surface. Use a spatula to level the top of the container. Reuse of various lightweight aggregate mixing processes such as vermiculite, slag, slag or processed shale. Use an accurate scale to measure and record the wet weight of each mix. Each container label identifies the light aggregate of each container with a black watercolor pen.

4. Allow all mixture to dry for 48 hours. Weigh each container and record the dry weight of each mixture. The density of air-dried ALC siding varies widely depending on the lightweight aggregate used. Desired densities are from 12 to 80 lbs/cubic foot.

5. Use ALC siding or floor line chimneys or create systems. Create an inverted counter top with ALC wall panels. Use it as a base for tank or tank insulation. In high-rise buildings ALC siding is used as floor slimming and slimming instrument, and there are many applications as roofs of commercial buildings, schools and warehouses.

What are the common defects of ALC wall panels?

ALC wall panel, also known as autoclaved aerated lightweight concrete panel, is a new type of building energy-saving product; it has the advantages of light bulk density, good sound insulation and heat preservation effect, low cost, simple installation process, low construction period requirements, industrialization of production, standardization, and industrialization of installation. and other advantages, it has been widely used in high-rise frame buildings and the inner and outer walls of industrial plants. This article will elaborate on the key points of control during the construction of the inner partition wall of ALC wall panels and the treatment methods for common defects in combination with engineering examples.

Common defects and solutions of ALC wall panels

1. Defects: ALC wall panels are easily damaged during handling and installation. Solution: Minimize the number of handling, handle with care, and use straps to hoist and install (wire ropes are strictly prohibited for hoisting).

2. Defects: The repair position is easy to fall off. Solution: control the size of the concrete structure; review the actual size of the site before cutting to reduce the gap; use special repair materials and mix 108 glue or other additives according to temperature and other conditions.

3. Defects: Small vertical cracks appear at the joints shortly after the project is painted. Solution: Most of the cracks in the joints are vertical cracks. The main reason is that the infill wall is a rigid structure and cannot be deformed cooperatively with the concrete structure; , the deformation difference occurs when the temperature changes. For the completed project, it is unrealistic to reduce the temperature difference deformation of the reinforced concrete structure. The key to solving the problem is to make the infill wall integral with the frame structure and have strain capacity. According to the author's on-site experience, it is suggested to construct a vertical joint of about 5-6cm wide and 2cm deep between the ALC wallboard and the concrete structure to fill the foaming agent and plug it, and then add 2 anti-crack mesh cloths and then install the putty. Brush the paint well, the practice effect is better. It is also recommended to design grooves, vertical joints and deformation joints in the decoration, which are consistent with the ground brick joints and ceiling joints to reduce the possibility of cracks.

4. Defects: The plastering layer is easy to empty. Solution: Portland cement or ordinary Portland cement with a strength grade of not less than 32.5 is used for plastering; the cement mortar mix ratio is 1:3; fresh water, medium sand, and mud content not more than 3%, should be sieved before use . The plastering procedure is: clean the surface → spray one EC treatment agent → pass plastering once → spray anti-cracking agent once → rough gray at the bottom of the middle layer.

The plastering should be carried out in layers, and the thickness of the bottom plastering layer is about 10mm (subject to the buried steel wire). The thickness of the next layer is 8-10mm, and it can only be carried out on one side during construction. When one side is constructed, the other side is supported by a support, and the unevenness of the light wall is not allowed. The other side should be plastered after 48 hours, and the maintenance should be done in time after plastering.

5. Defect: low anti-collision performance. Solution: Set up anti-collision columns on both sides of the door where forklifts and other vehicles often come and go.

6. In order to facilitate the installation of doors and windows, the size of the door and window openings of ALC wall panels is usually reserved by 20-25mm on each side of the door and window frame, so that there is a gap between the door and window frame and the plate. The gap is usually treated by filling the rock wool with glue on the surface. In the later use process, it is affected by the quality of the sealant itself and man-made damage, resulting in poor appearance and increased maintenance difficulty. For this problem, it is suggested that the decoration unit should add silicon calcium slats with a width of about 100mm around the door and window frames, which can meet the fire protection requirements of the firewall and greatly reduce the hidden dangers of maintenance.

ALC wallboard has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, good ductility, good sound insulation, good fire resistance, strong seismic performance, green environmental protection material, no radioactivity, short construction period, long service life, dry construction and other characteristics, suitable for residential, Hotels, schools, hospitals, commercial office buildings and other civil and industrial buildings. In addition, in the construction process, full attention should be paid to the control points of each link and the prevention and treatment of common defects, and it is believed that good technical and economic effects will be received.



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