

发布时间:2022-07-14 18:50:29

What is ALC Wall Panel? What are the properties of the material

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  • 发布时间:2022-07-18 13:26
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【概要描述】The application of ALC wall panels in various buildings is very common. The reason why this material is widely used in various buildings and projects is inseparable from its own practicality and convenience of use. In order for everyone to have a better understanding of this material, the editor has compiled the relevant knowledge of ALC wall panels, let's take a look!

What is ALC Wall Panel? What are the properties of the material

【概要描述】The application of ALC wall panels in various buildings is very common. The reason why this material is widely used in various buildings and projects is inseparable from its own practicality and convenience of use. In order for everyone to have a better understanding of this material, the editor has compiled the relevant knowledge of ALC wall panels, let's take a look!

  • 分类:Company News
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  • 发布时间:2022-07-18 13:26
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What is ALC wallboard? What material has what characteristics

The application of ALC wall panels in various buildings is very common. The reason why this material is widely used in various buildings and projects is inseparable from its own practicality and convenience of use. In order for everyone to have a better understanding of this material, the editor has compiled the relevant knowledge of ALC wall panels, let's take a look!

ALC is a type of high-performance autoclaved aerated concrete (alc). ALC wallboard is made of fly ash (or silica sand), cement, lime, etc. as the main raw materials, and is a porous concrete forming board (including treated steel reinforcement) that is cured by high pressure steam. ALC wall panel can be used as both wall material and roof panel. It is a new type of building material with superior performance. ALC wall panels first appeared in Europe, and Japan, Europe and other regions have more than 40 years of production and application history. At present, the production technology and production equipment of domestic manufacturers are mainly drawn from Japan and Germany.

ALC Wall Panel Features

Thermal insulation The material not only has good thermal insulation performance [λ=0.13(W/m.k)], but also has better thermal insulation performance, [heat storage coefficient S=2.75W(m.k)]. When using a reasonable thickness , not only can be used in cold areas with high thermal insulation requirements, but also in hot summer and cold winter areas or hot summer and warm winter areas with high thermal insulation requirements to meet the requirements of energy-saving standards;

Sound insulation The material is a porous material composed of a large number of uniform and disconnected tiny pores. It has good sound insulation performance. The average sound insulation of 100 thick ALC board is 40.8dB, and the average sound insulation of 150 thick ALC board is 45.8 dB;

Fire-resistant alc sheet is a non-combustible inorganic material with good fire-resistance performance. As a wallboard, the fire resistance limit of 100 thick plate is 3.23 hours; 150 thick plate> 4 hours; 50 thick plate protection steel beam fire resistance limit> 3 hours; The fire resistance limit of the 50 thick plate protected steel column is >4 hours; all exceed the first-class fire resistance standard;

Durability alc is an inorganic silicate material, which is not aging and has good durability, and its service life can match the service life of various buildings;

Frost resistance is good, the quality loss after freeze-thaw test is < 1.5% (national standard < 5%), and the strength loss is < 5% (national standard < 20%);

Impermeability Good impermeability, 5 times better than standard bricks;

Environmental performance The material is non-radioactive, no harmful gas escapes, and is a green and environmentally friendly material;

The production of constructable ALC sheet is industrialized and standardized, and the installation is industrialized. It can be sawed, cut, planed, drilled, and the construction is dry, and the speed is fast;

The supporting ALC board has a complete application supporting system, equipped with special connectors, jointing agents, repair powders, interface agents, etc.;

No cracking, because this material is used for dry construction, there is no hollow crack phenomenon on the board surface;

What are the disadvantages of ALC wall panels

ALC wall panels are now widely used in new buildings. They are familiar building materials products that people are familiar with. However, when merchants talk about their products, they usually only talk about the advantages and ignore the shortcomings. No one is perfect, let alone products? Let's have a bold discussion about the shortcomings of ALC as a new type of sheet that cannot be ignored? How to remedy it?

1. ALC wallboard will be easily damaged during transportation and handling. So how to avoid it? First of all, it must be reduced the number of handling, so that one car is full and handled with care (note that it is forbidden to use wire rope to bind and hoist), and tools such as forklifts can be used for unloading.

2. The repaired position of the ALC inner wall panel seam may fall off for some reason. So how to avoid and deal with it? First of all, it is necessary to control the size of the concrete structure, and check the actual size of the site before cutting to reduce the gap; use special repair materials and mix 108 glue or other additives according to different conditions such as temperature.

3. After the ALC wallboard paint is painted, if there are fine cracks at the joints. The main reason for this is that the infill wall is a rigid structure and cannot deform cooperatively with the concrete structure. In addition, due to the difference in the thermal coefficient of expansion between the reinforced concrete structure and the aerated concrete structure, the deformation difference occurs when the temperature changes. For the completed project, it is unrealistic to eliminate or reduce the temperature difference deformation of the reinforced concrete structure. Therefore, our workers must have the ability to adapt when installing, so as to avoid the problem of product cracks when the infill wall and the frame structure are integrated. At the same time, we recommend that a vertical joint of about 5-6cm wide and 2cm deep be constructed between the alc wallboard and the concrete structure to fill the foaming agent and plug it, and then add 2 layers of anti-crack mesh cloth, and then install the putty and brush the paint. , which is better in practice. It is also recommended to design grooves, vertical joints and deformation joints in the decoration, which are consistent with the ground brick joints and ceiling joints to reduce the possibility of cracks.

Fourth, the hollowing problem of the plastering layer of ALC wallboard: This is caused by the incorrect plastering process, so the correct plastering process should be: Portland cement or ordinary silicate with a strength grade of not less than 32.5 for plastering Cement; cement mortar mix ratio is 1:3; fresh water, medium sand, mud content not more than 3%, should be sieved before use.

The plastering procedure is: clean the surface → spray one EC treatment agent → pass plastering once → spray anti-cracking agent once → rough gray at the bottom of the middle layer.

The plastering should be carried out in layers, and the thickness of the first layer of plastering on the bottom layer is about 10mm (subject to the buried steel wire). The thickness of the second layer is 8-10mm. During construction, it can only be carried out on one side. When one side is constructed, the other side is supported by supports, and unevenness of the light wall is not allowed. The other side should be plastered after 48 hours, and the maintenance should be done in time after plastering.

In fact, we have talked about so many shortcomings of ALC aerated boards, but we still "love" ALC boards. After all, the convenience that ALC boards can bring us is far greater than its shortcomings, and these shortcomings can be avoided as much as possible. Therefore, there are no disadvantages of ALC wall panels, which is why the entire industry is amplifying the advantages of ALC aerated concrete panels.



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